Lowering Acidity in Your Coffee

We’ve received many inquiries in the last few years from clients looking for low acidity coffee. While a bright, acidic profile is celebrated in some coffee circles, it can be a turnoff or even cause discomfort for others. This post is dedicated to those seeking a smoother, gentler cup. Let's explore how to lower the acidity in your coffee without sacrificing flavor.
What is Acidity?
It's that sharp taste that can range from a delightful sparkle to an unpleasant sourness. Factors contributing to high acidity include the coffee bean's origin, processing methods, and roast level. As a rule of thumb, lighter roasts tend to retain more acidity than darker roasts.
Choosing the Right Beans
Bean selection is crucial. If lower acidity is your goal, look for beans from regions like Brazil or Sumatra. These often have a naturally lower acidity.
Brewing Methods to Reduce Acidity
The way you brew can make a big difference. Cold brew is famous for its lower acidity, as the cold water extracts fewer acid compounds. Use slightly cooler water (around 195°F) will also help.
BHB’s favorite low acidity coffee hack is to make cold brew concentrate and use hot water to make ‘Low Acidity Americano’
Water Hardness
Water plays a big part in the brewing process. Hard water with higher mineral content can actually reduce perceived acidity. If you have soft water at home, consider adding a mineral supplement designed for coffee brewing.
Interestingly, a tiny pinch of salt can curb coffee's acidity. It's an old trick used by many to smooth out their brew.
Brewing a cup of coffee with lower acidity is all about understanding the factors that contribute to acidity and learning to manipulate them. From the beans you choose to your brewing method and water quality, small adjustments can lead to a significant change in your coffee's acidity level. So, experiment away and find your perfect balance!